The SET includes an activation of the Delco ARES Unit and check-in of member capabilities, and 4 other activities which all members are strongly encouraged to participate in as well.
- Activation of the Delco ARES Unit and check-in of member capabilities
- Perform unit activation. Deliver the exercise scenario. Inform members of the SET activities
- Open a net and check-in members. Deliver the exercise scenario. Inventory member Emcomm capabilities.
- Base and/or Deploy.
- Hours of emergency power operation possible
- Major capabilities (Examples: HF 100 watts, mobile 50 watts, HT, Winlink, Packet, FLdigi)
- Perform unit activation. Deliver the exercise scenario. Inform members of the SET activities
NTS Activities
- Check-in to a traffic net via radio (use NTS Net)
- Net times vary, See EPA TRAFFIC HANDLING NETS below.
- Check in to one of the EPA traffic nets. Report to your EC that you checked in. You do NOT need to send or receive any traffic, just check-in.
- Radiogram to EC via telephone (phone call to EPA Traffic Handler)
- Anytime until Friday, October 11th.
- Connect with an EPA traffic handler by telephone and send an NTS ARRL radiogram to your EC. See EPA TRAFFIC HANDLERS for a list of traffic handlers who have agreed to take messages by telephone for this exercise
- Address to: Chris Kelleher, W3CTK, Delaware County,, 484-425-2125
- Message is: YourCall YourName YourCounty EPA SET. See SET MESSAGE CONTENTS for details.
- Radiogram to SEC via radio (use NTS Net)
- Net times vary, See EPA TRAFFIC HANDLING NETS below.
- Connect with a traffic net by radio. See SENDING A MESSAGE USING NTS for how to join an NTS net and send a message.
- Address the ARRL Radiogram to: EPA SEC Jay King, W2AFE Chester County, Phoenixville,, 408-835-9202
- Message is: YourCall YourName YourCounty EPA SET. See SET MESSAGE CONTENTS for details.
- Radiogram to KC3QVF (use Winlink RF or Telnet)
- Anytime until Friday, October 11th.
- Use the WINLINK ARRL Radiogram form to send a Radiogram to KC3QVF.
- Address To: Chris Beggy, KC3QVF, Philadelphia PA,, 215-740-3900 (has agreed to be the target recipient for these exercise messages)
- Message is: YourCall YourName YourCounty EPA SET. See SET MESSAGE CONTENTS for details. Winlink Telnet is acceptable for this exercise.
SET Instructions
SET 2024-10 Outline - 2024-09-20.pdf
Exercise Scenario
There are spot internet and telephone interruptions across Pennsylvania creating a potential for disruption of emergency services. ARES units are requested to provide a list of available emcomm support. The ARRL National Traffic System (NTS) is being activated to provide support. Participants are asked to send check-in messages via NTS to county and section leadership.
Exercise Activities
SET Message Contents
Exercise messages should be kept short and include only the information vital to the SET. The suggested message format is YourCall YourName YourCounty EPA SET. For example: W3CTK CHRIS KELLEHER DELAWARE EPA SET
Preparing to Send a Radiogram Using NTS
Before checking in to a traffic net or contacting a traffic handler, write down the message and delivery details. This includes 1) The destination contact's information (name, call, phone, email, etc.), 2) any “Handling Instruction” (likely HXC – confirm delivery) and 3) the message contents.
You are not required to use the Radiogram template, but it may help. See ARRL RADIOGRAM for a blank template and an example.
For the purposes of this exercise, you are NOT acting as a traffic handler, you are a customer of the process. The traffic handlers are accustomed to working with people who are new to the process. They will format and route your messages.
Radiograms are limited to 25 words and no punctuation.
The following destinations are used for this exercise
1) Delco ARES EC: Chris Kelleher, W3CTK, Villanova, PA Delaware County,, 484-425-2125
2) The EPA SEC: Jay King, W2AFE, Phoenixville PA, Chester co,, 408-835-9202
3) Chris Beggy, KC3QVF, Philadelphia PA,, 215-740-3900
Addressing a Radiogram
NTS needs a minimum of the recipient’s full name and either email or phone number. Providing the recipient’s call, and postal address helps assure efficient message routing and successful delivery.
The address information provided, determines how messages are delivered.
- If an email address is provided. then the message will likely be delivered by email.
- If a phone number is provided and email is not, or email bounces, then the message will be delivered by telephone.
- If the receiving station is on the air (this happens mostly during traffic nets) then the message may be delivered by radio.
- If none of the above work, then efforts are made to deliver the message to the physical address.
The NTS team will make several delivery attempts using any, and all, available delivery information.
Delivery Confirmation
To receive delivery confirmation, use the HXC handling instruction. It’s in the Radiogram template, upper left, after message number and precedence.
EPA Traffic Handlers
These EPA traffic handlers have agreed to accept Fall 2024 SET traffic via telephone. This is a unique situation. Normally one would place traffic by radio but the emphasis this year is to build working relationships between EPA ARES and EPA NTS.
Contact any of the NTS staff listed below to place traffic by telephone call.
Name | Call | Phone | County |
Tom Inman | KC8T | (570) 323-7633 | Lackawanna |
Bob Montgomery | W3ZR | (570) 478-0024 | Sullivan |
Roger Burkhart | N3GE | (540) 664-1722 | Lancaster |
Alex Mark | K3EAM | (570) 313-3458 | Luzerne |
Bob Brown | N3RPB | (570) 772-9036 | Lycoming |
Thomas E. Davis | NW3X | (570) 687-6137 | Lackawanna |
Bill Carlton | N3HBY | (570) 560-6278 | Monroe |
David Kirby | N3SRO | (570) 954-0087 | Luzerne |
Winlink Radiograms
ARRL Radiograms can be sent using winlink. It is one of the built in templates. In winlink do:
- New Message / Select Template / Standard Templates / RADIOGRAM and RRI Forms / Radiogram.txt.
Fill in the Radiogram
- Fill in the header with your station and location.
- Address to: Chris Beggy, KC3QVF, Philadelphia PA,, 215-740-3900
- Message: YourCall YourName YourCounty EPA SET (ex: W3CTK CHRIS KELLEHER DELAWARE EPA SET)
- At bottom of form, select Liaison Station: Region 3
If you are not currently a winlink user, the software can be installed from The software requires registration to use. Telnet (no radio) is okay for this exercise.
Sending a Message Using NTS Net
Tom Inman KC8T, EPA Traffic Manager has provided a presentation and video that includes an example of NTS net operations.
Here are simplified instructions for checking into an NTS net and sending a message. NTS welcomes new participants and will guide you through the check-in and sending your message.
You are not expected to fully format and manage the message. You are a ham using the NTS system to send a message. You need to provide the message destination address and contents. The NTS traffic handler will fill in all the procedural and routing details. Ask for delivery confirmation if you want it.
- Write out your message and destination contact details. Have this in front of you before accessing the net. It will be easier to read it than to compose it on the fly.
- Join the net at the appointed time.
- Net control will begin by calling for emergency or time valued traffic. Please stand by during this call.
- Net control will then call for stations with traffic, and with traffic only. Transmit and say, "this is," and then pause to ensure you are not doubling. If you are not, then continue with "yourcall with traffic." Net control will ask you to list your traffic. Respond with the number of messages and their destinations. For example, "I have one for Hershey." Net control will ask you to stand by, and will continue.
- Net control will also call for stations from Eastern Area, Third Region, and the Digital Traffic Network.
- Net control will then process all traffic. Net control may take the messages on the net frequency or, if there is a lot of traffic my direct participants to move to a new frequency to deposit the message and then return to the main net frequency.
- Stay on frequency until released by net control.
EPA Traffic Handling Nets
EPA has several active NTS nets. Newcomers are always welcome. Schedule and frequency information follows.
If you don’t have an HF station, you can listen to these nets using SDR at
The Milford PA station is ideally located for the EPA traffic nets. It is at
The Ohio traffic net is well known and a good example to listen to, they meet on 3.972.5 at 1030, 1645 and 1845.
EPA Nets
- Eastern PA Emergency Phone and Traffic Net 3918 kHz 5:00 PM Eastern time, Daily
- Western PA Emergency Phone and Traffic Net 3918 kHz 5:30 PM Eastern time, Daily
- Pennsylvania Traffic Net (CW) 3585 kHz 7:00 PM Eastern Time, Daily
- Luzerne County ARES Traffic and Training Net 146.61 Mhz with a tone of 82.5 Hertz and a negative offset of 0.6 Mhz every Monday at 8:00PM Local Time. The last LCARES Net of the month will be on the N3FCK UHF Linked
- Lackawanna County ARES Traffic & Training Net Wednesday evening, 8:00 PM 1st & 2nd Wed: 146.715, -0.6 MHz, tone 136.5 4th Wed. 146.94, -0.6 MHz, tone 127.3 5th Wednesday: N3FCK UHF Link system, 442.55, 443.60, 444.50, and 441.15; all +5.0 MHz, tone 100
- The RF Hill ARC Southeastern Pennsylvania Practice and Traffic Net, (abbreviated as SEPPTN), are on Sundays and Wednesdays at 8:00 PM Local Time on the W3AI repeater at 145.310 MHz (-600) with a PL Tone of 131.8.
Check in daily, once a week, or even once a month. The nets will appreciate your participation. For more information, contact Tom Inman (KC8T), Eastern PA Traffic Manager
The National Traffic System (NTS) needs volunteers to help move radiogram traffic around the state. Please consider volunteering a few minutes a week to this worthy task. Traffic handling improves your skill level while giving back to the amateur community. Please tune in and check in.
Earlier this year many amateur radio operators published information about what was then Senate Bill 37. The language of that bill would make it illegal to use a 'handheld communications device' while driving a motor vehicle in Pennsylvania. The language was so broad that it would have included amateur radio operators using handheld radios or vehicular radios. Making us liable for citations if using our radios.
We encouraged amateur radio operators to contact their legislators to include an exemption for licensed amateur radio operators. The legislature heard us. An exemption for licensed amateur radio operators was included. You can see the law signed by Governor Shapiro on 5 Jun 2024 here:
If you did contact your legislators, I recommend that you do so again to say, 'Thank you.' for listening to our concerns and taking action. Simple notes, letters, or even emails will work. Legislators often don't hear from constituents after they take an action like this. A simple note will go a long way to help them remember amateur radio operators and what we do.
Just wanted to put together a checklist of some items to take care of with the trailer. Hopefully we can make a dent into this list tonight at our monthly meeting, I don't expect we'll be able to get it all completed though.
- Clean trailer exterior (outdoor mold/mildew cleaner).
- Sweep trailer interior.
- Tie down the 2 batteries on the lower middle shelf of the desk.
- Tie down the ICOM 7300/9700 go kit on the top of the middle shelf desk.
- See if there is a good way to attach the W3AEC-01 station on the right hand of the desk, maybe Velcro will work for this?
- Hammer 8-foot grounding rod into ground around creek.
- Make sure grounding wire is properly attached to ground rod and the base of the VHF/UHF antenna and marked with caution tape
- Put up the 2 magnetic mount dual band antennas back up on the roof of the trailer.
- Organize handouts, equipment manuals, books, etc. in the portable filing box.
- Label sections in filing box.
- Label the W3AEC unit with name, serial number, Private/VPN IP address ( and
- Label the laptops with VPN IP address.
- Label security camera.
- Label any wires which haven't been labeled yet.
- Wrap up any excess on wires behind the desk (power and ethernet)
- See if we can get Open Spot 3 and 4 hotspots connected to the Delco ARES Wi-Fi network and working.
- Update Open Spot 3 and 4 hotspots with latest firmware updates, should be labelled once working.
- Figure out ideal location for the 2 220w and 1 400w solar panels for optimal charging. The trailer roof was a decent spot but would like them somewhere off of the trailer, so they are easy to fold up and take quickly.
- Install 3 sets of pulleys and cleats on the trailer to allow for easy use and tie down of the guy lines for the tall dual band VHF/UHF antenna.
- Extend VHF/UHF antenna to full 50-foot height.
- Decide on best UF antenna for NVIS setup.
- Hang UF antenna so it works for NVIS and is also not easily visible from the building and parking lot. Would like to use tall trees along creek.
- Setup 2 laptops (W3CTK and W3AEC-01) for running VARA FM and VARA HF Winlink on a 24/7 basis.
- Setup 2 laptops (W3CTK and W3AEC-01) and desktop (W3AEC) for wake on magic packet enabled over ethernet. Make sure this is set in Windows as well. Also, any automatic power on or reboot on crash should be set as well.
- Fix and clean decals on outside of trailer.
- Go through orange Pelican boxes, take inventory of items and label where appropriate.
- Go through items in blue storage bins (power adaptors, netbook/Chromebook computers, power supplies, antennas and other odds and ends), take inventory of items and label where appropriate.
- Go through handheld FRS radios, organize and store.
- Go through other miscellaneous cables and other odds and ends.
- Once inventory/label complete, organize items into storage locations and figure out a way to secure cases onto the open shelfing units.
The National Night Out events that Citizen Corps will be attending have been posted on Galaxy Digital. If you would like to sign up to assist as a CCDC volunteer, please do so on Galaxy. If you would like to represent ARES (and can bring a Go Kit), please let me know and I'll coordinate it. The mobile communications trailer, along with myself, will be at the Marple location, and we could use people there as well.
Here are the mission links (you must be signed into Galaxy Digital to view):
Mission Links
2024-08-06 Marple National Night Out | Citizen Corps of Delaware County (
2024-08-06 Chichester National Night Out | Citizen Corps of Delaware County (
2024-08-06 Upper Darby National Night Out | Citizen Corps of Delaware County (
More Information on NNO
National Night Out is an annual event held nationally. It is designed to promote community-police relationships and gives residents and visitors an opportunity to meet the first responders serving that municipality. Originally founded in Wynnewood, National Night Out has been held here in Delaware County for many years.
Volunteers are needed to help set up and staff our tent and table. We will also be distributing preparedness and recruitment information throughout the evening. As always, we want you to share your CCDC volunteer experiences with the public and let them know the many ways that they can strengthen their own communities. At the end of the evening, volunteers will assist with taking down and packing up our materials.
The 2024 MARC Hamfest is on Sunday August 11th at the Kimberton Fire Company grounds, Route 113 (742 Pike Springs Road) (GPS: 40.12748, -75.56726) west of the intersection with Route 23 in Kimberton, PA.
The map shows that Kimberton is northwest of King of Prussia and just west of Phoenixville, PA. Talk-in is available on the MARC linked repeater systems with coverage to the north and west and near Kimberton provided by 145.13 MHz PL 131.8 repeater in Paoli PA and to the south and east by 147.06 MHZ PL 131.8 repeater in Newtown Square PA.
Doors open for sellers not before 0700 and for buyers at 0800. Doors close at 1200. Admission is $10 and entitles you to a door prize ticket. Sellers have an outdoor tailgate space for $8 (one car width, head -in parking) not including admission. An indoor table is available for $10 each for 1 to 4 tables or $8 each for 5 or more tables not including admission. Reservations for indoor tables are required by emailing
The Hamfest flyer is here.
Food and beverage sales are provided by authorized vendors only. Unlicensed children and spouse with a licensed Ham admission are free.
MARC sponsors a VE Test Session at the Hamfest at 1000, arrive by 0945 in the Pavilion. See MARC ARRL VE Test Session for additional information. QSL card checking for DXCC including 160 meters, Worked All States, VUCC and Worked All Continents will be provided by Bill N3WD.
This is a great day in the country! Come to the MARC Hamfest in the morning and spend a leisurely afternoon in nearby Valley Forge National Historic Park.
Now that the SEPA Red Cross EmComm Trailer is complete we will be hosting a monthly NVIS net on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 10am. Our first net will be held this Thursday, July 18, at 10am. I realize this isn't the ideal day or time to host a net, however it is when we have regular and scheduled access to the trailer. I hope you and members of your various organizations will be able to participate.
The net will be held on 40 meters (LSB). We will attempt to start at 7.225MHz. If that frequency is in use we will adjust UP by .025MHz. First attempting 7.250MHz then 7.275MHz. In the unlikely event that all 3 of those frequencies are in use will try to find a spot between 7.225 and 7.275.
Please email if you have any questions and we will hope to hear you on the net!
Thank you,
Cliff Hotchkiss
American Red Cross
SEPA DST Regional Lead
Philadelphia County ARES
Emergency Coordinator
The Basic and Intermediate EMCOMM classes appear to be live.
Please share this will your ARES teams and any other interested persons.
The "Five County Digital Training Net" will restart in September using ZOOM and the Bucktown 147.270 (PL77) repeater in northern Chester County. This analog FM voice repeater works well with NBEMS (Fldigi) modes and with Vara FM (now have permission of owner). It has a range covering much of Chester, Montgomery, Delaware, Bucks, Lancaster, Berks and Phila counties.
First topic for September is Winlink using VARA FM modem and 2m FM
New NET TIMES in September: Wednesday at 7 pm and Saturday at 9 AM
Start of net is September 3rd and 7th will be on ZOOM
and then practice on 147.270 (PL77) repeater.
The net is designed for rookies, but all ops are welcome
de k3eui barry
Kennett Square PA
July 2024
This week, Delaware County’s Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES), the FCC-licensed volunteer amateur radio operator organization trained and managed by the County’s Department of Emergency Services, was excited to participate in the American Radio Relay League’s (ARRL) National Field Day exercise.
Held at the Radnor Township Municipal Building, the two-day National Field Day invited residents and local officials to rub elbows with ARES volunteers and DES staffers while learning about the invaluable role the two organizations share in the event of national, regional, or local emergencies.
Licensed by the Federal Communications Commission and trained in the art and science of radio communication and basic electronics theory, ARES is designed to provide critical and reliable communications if the normal infrastructure is offline during times of disaster.
The purpose of ARRL Field Day is to simulate such a national-level disaster where normal communications infrastructure is impacted over a wide area.
During the exercise, ARES volunteers and hams (the informal name for amateur radio operators) from across the nation set up antennas and radios in the “field” and attempt to make as many radio contacts as possible with other hams across the globe in a 24-hour period—a fun opportunity for ARES and DES to engage with the public while showcasing the science, service, and skills offered by this dedicated volunteer community.
The exercise also provides ARES and DES the chance to showcase the County's new mobile communications trailer, introduce amateurs and members of the community to their work, and engage with residents of all ages.
The collaboration provides essential communication support, crucial for maintaining community safety and effective emergency response.
“Field day is a great opportunity to develop skills that meet the challenges of emergency preparedness and to acquaint the general public with the capabilities of amateur radio,” said Department of Emergency Services Volunteer Manager Kelly Sides.
“This yearly event allows our committed volunteers to showcase their talents which they use to offer support to our friends, neighbors, and communities every day, not just during emergencies,” said Tammi Maciolek, DES Emergency Management Specialist. “This exercise also allows those who have not yet obtained their radio licensure to get on the air with the ARES team,” added Maciolek.
Radio has gone high-tech—not your Father's HAM radio
Assistance Emergency Coordinator (and ARES Volunteer) Richard Caruth,
Emergency Coordinator (and ARES Volunteer) Chris Kelleher,
and DES Emergency Management Specialist Tammi Maciolek
pictured with the youngest members of the Koerner family.
Richard Caruth and Tammi Maciolek demonstrating field day equipment and procedures
More About ARES
Amateur radio operators provide a critical public service for our community by providing reliable communications when the normal infrastructure is offline.
When regular communication channels fail such as the Internet or a cell phone network, hams under the direction of ARES are prepared to swing into action, assisting emergency communications efforts and working with public service agencies.
ARES extends its vital services to local, county, and state agencies, including the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) during disasters and emergencies. Whether it's a public service event, a widespread health emergency, or an essential exercise and drill, ARES ensures that communication lines remain open and effective.
Delaware County ARES operates ten repeaters dedicated to emergency communications from five sites within the county. The locations of the repeater systems offer large radio frequency footprints providing excellent coverage for portable, mobile, and fixed radio communication throughout Delaware County and adjacent areas. With ARES, Delaware County stays connected, prepared, and resilient, no matter what challenges arise.
ARES is coordinated by volunteer Chris Kelleher who has a team of dedicated individuals who assist in the daily operations. Tammi Maciolek, the DES Emergency Management Specialist, is also the Delco ARES Liaison. Chris and Tammi work diligently to ensure that the ARES volunteer— dedicated, well-trained, and knowledgeable professionals—have everything needed to continue supporting our communities with the expert level of service they provide.
For more information on becoming a volunteer with ARES or any other entity of Delaware County Citizen Corps please visit or contact Kelly Sides or ARES of Delaware County at Information on the National Association of Amateur Radio (AARL) can be found at
About ARRL
Founded in 1914, ARRL (the American Radio Relay League) is the national association for amateur radio in the US. Today, with more than 161,000 members, ARRL is the largest organization of radio amateurs in the United States and the primary source of information about what is going on in the ham radio world.
Please join FEMA’s Individual and Community Preparedness Division, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and the National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium (NCPC) on Wednesday, June 26 from 2 – 3 p.m. ET for an informational webinar announcing cybersecurity awareness training for CERT volunteers.
FEMA partnered with CISA to identify cybersecurity awareness training courses to improve CERT volunteers’ knowledge of cybersecurity threat preparedness, response and resilience. These courses are self-paced and publicly available at no cost from the Federal Virtual Training Environment and the NCPC. The June 26 webinar is an opportunity to learn more about these courses and where to find them.
To submit questions before the webinar, send them via email to
Register using this link:
ARES of Delaware County would like to extend an invitation for you to meet the COUNTY amateur radio operators as we participate in the national Field Day event.
Public hours are:
- Saturday, June 22nd, 2024, between 3pm and 6pm.
- Sunday, June 23rd, 2024, between 9am and noon.
Hosted at Radnor Township Municipal Building. Location: 301 Iven Avenue, Wayne PA 19087 (directions listed below)
What we do:
Amateur radio operators provide a critical public service for our community; during times of disaster, we can provide reliable communications when the normal infrastructure is offline. Licensed by the Federal Communications Commission and trained in the art and science of radio communication and basic electronics theory, we own and maintain our own communications equipment and are prohibited by federal law from receiving payment for our services.
ARRL, our national organization, has built relationships with several served agencies including FEMA, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, and many others. Here our operators provide back-up, auxiliary emergency communication support to the Delaware County Department of Emergency Services (DES).
This public service is easily extended during non‐emergency civic events, such as parades, marathons, and street festivals.
Field Day is our chance to show the science, service, and skill we can offer to our community free of charge, including our new mobile communications trailer.
We would love the opportunity to show you our capabilities in person.
If you are traveling from anywhere in Delaware county, take the blue route I-476 North to exit 13 for St. David's - Villanova. At the bottom of the ramp, the 2 right hand lanes go straight to King of Prussia Road and right to PA Rt. 30 East. You'll want to stay in the far left of the 2 left hand lanes to turn onto PA Rt 30 West towards St. David's and Wayne and stay in the left most lane. You'll pass a traffic light at the other on/off ramp to I-476 Southbound lanes, keep going.
The next traffic light will be at Radnor-Chester Road, you'll want to make a left hand turn here. As soon as you complete that turn, make a right-hand turn onto Sinkler Lane. You'll see a brown sign directing you to the Delaware County Sports Museum, which is also at the township building. Once you get to Iven Ave, make a left-hand turn at the stop sign. You'll pass Encke Park on your left and make a left into the entrance. Make another left onto Creek Drive, and a final left into the lower parking lot.
The exact location of the trailer is at the far corner of the lower parking lot, along the Ithan Creek and close to the Encke Park baseball field.
If you have what3words, you can use the location:
If you get lost, you can call the trailer CAT cell phone at 484-644-8108 for assistance or use the W3KG 446.775 Boothwyn repeater.
For more information on ARES of Delaware County please visit:
For more information on ARRL Field Day please visit:
The weather forecast for today looks wonderful, with mostly sunny skies and a high temperature in the mid 70s. Perfect for planning our field day activities coming up at the end of this month. We will also use this time to do some work on the Delaware County ARES trailer, which is located at Radnor Township Building, 301 Iven Avenue, Wayne 19087. Please join us starting around 7pm.
On the agenda will be a discussion about ARRL Field Day, which is June 22nd and 23rd this year:
If you are traveling from anywhere in the county, take the blue route I-476 north to exit 13 for St. David's - Villanova. At the bottom of the ramp, the 2 right hand lanes go straight to King of Prussia Road and right to PA Rt. 30 East. You'll want to stay in the far left of the 2 left hand lanes to turn onto PA Rt 30 West towards St. David's and Wayne and stay in the left most lane. You'll pass a traffic light at the other on/off ramp to I-476 South, keep going.
The next traffic light will be at Radnor-Chester Road, you'll want to make a left hand turn here. As soon as you complete that turn, make a right-hand turn onto Sinkler Lane. You'll see a brown sign directing you to the Delaware County Sports Museum, which is also at the township building. Once you get to Iven Ave, make a left-hand turn at the stop sign. You'll pass Encke Park on your left and make a left into the entrance. Make another left onto Creek Drive, and a final left into the lower parking lot.
The exact location of the trailer is at the far corner of the lower parking lot, along the Ithan Creek and close to the Encke Park baseball field. It just behind the high-water rescue vehicle and the Radnor highway patrol mobile trailer.
If you have what3words, you can use the location:
Here is the information for the trailer on our website:
If you get lost, you can call the trailer CAT cell phone at 484-644-8108 for assistance or use the 446.775 Boothwyn repeater.
There were limited opportunities for participation in the 22 May Shippensburg PEMA exercise. All the clubs, ARES and unaffiliated hams that had expressed interest were not able to be accommodated. So, here is another chance to get involved.
You and your group are invited to participate from 0000 to 2400 on May 25, 2024 in sending Winlink check-ins to the PA Red Cross Regions. Deployment is encouraged but you can participate from home. Telnet is okay.
Detailed instructions are attached. Feel free to share the instructions with others. All PA hams are welcome.
As we could not accommodate all the radio clubs, ARES hams or unaffiliated hams that expressed an interest in supporting the PEMA exercise on May 22nd in Shippensburg and at various Red Cross shelters across the State, we have setup an ancillary exercise to invite interested individuals and groups to participate after the PEMA exercise.
Event time is 0000 to 2400 May 25, 2024
- Try to deploy to a location that could be used as a shelter (e.g.,fire station, school, church). Get permission to be there, if necessary, and make certain you are in a legal location.
- Operate from home if you cannot deploy.
- Try to operate as a portable station without commercial power.
- Send an unformatted Winlink message (e.g., don’t use any forms) to your appropriate tactical call ARC-SEPA for Delaware County
Operators should send a Winlink message with the following information:
Line 1 – Callsign, First Name, County. Indicate if you are ARES, Red Cross, or PEMA ACS, radio club affiliation, non-affiliated ham, etc.
Line 2 – Name of deployment location (e.g., Virtual Red Cross shelter at xyz community center or base station if working from home or club station)
Please see this notice below about a PEMA ACS state-wide exercise scheduled for tomorrow, May 22nd, from 11a to 2p. You can participate easily by sending messages via Winlink to KB3NIA. They will also be taking voice checkins on HF (7.2502 and 7.2275), as well as Brandmeister (Talkgroup 31420). If you send a Winlink message, please CC me (W3CTK) as well.
-------- THIS IS AN EXERCISE ---------
**PEMA ACS Statewide Exercise Notification**
PEMA ACS will be participating in a statewide exercise on May 22nd from 11 AM to 2 PM. Available ACS operators are requested to assist in accepting and relaying traffic to PEMA HQ.
**Instructions for Stations:**
1. **Report Information:** Stations are requested to report their callsign, current temperature, wind direction, and wind speed using an ICS-213 form.
2. **Additional Information:** If possible, please also provide an ICS-205 form for repeaters available in your area.
3. **Message Transmission:** Preferred method of sending messages is via Winlink to KB3NIA.
4. **Monitoring Frequencies:** PEMA will be monitoring 7.2502 MHz and 7.2275 MHz, with adjustments made to avoid interference with other stations.
5. **Voice Check-In:** Stations checking in via voice should provide their callsign and zip code no other data is required.
6. **DMR Check-In:** Stations may also check in via DMR on Brandmeister Network Talkgroup 31420.
-------- THIS IS AN EXERCISE ---------
The weather forecast for tomorrow looks wonderful, with mostly sunny skies and a high temperature of around 72 degrees. Perfect for an outdoor tour of the Delaware County ARES trailer, which is located at Radnor Township Building, 301 Iven Avenue, Wayne 19087, starting around 7pm. This is the same location we had our combined CCDC/ARES/RCPO volunteer appreciation dinner in April 2023 for those that were able to attend.
Although this is an ARES meeting, I am extending this invitation to anyone else that would like attend, and you can just stop in and check out the trailer without staying for the entire meeting if you wish. Those on the Citizen Corps and Medical Reserve Corps leadership team, as well as the graduates of the Radnor Citizens Police Academy are all welcome to join us!
As typical for the monthly meeting, we'll plan to get started at about 7pm. We'll go over what we have in the trailer and how it is setup. I'll also demonstrate how to use the radios (ICOM IC-7300, ICOM IC-9700, ICOM ID-1 and Yaasu FT-857), laptops for digital communications, the TV for displaying the laptops or to use apps like RadarScope from the Apple TV, the solar generator with panels as well as antennas.
We will also discuss the NOAA SWPC predicted G4 solar storm, which was actually upgraded to the strongest level G5. Fortunately, there were no reported impacts to the power grid and most satellites seemed to weather the storm overall as well. HF radio communications, as expected, were unusable for the most part. The storm did manage to bring the aurora borealis as far south as Florida.
Also on the agenda will be a short discussion about ARRL Field Day, which is June 22nd and 23rd this year:
If you are traveling from anywhere in the county, take the blue route I-476 north to exit 13 for St. David's - Villanova. At the bottom of the ramp, the 2 right hand lanes go straight to King of Prussia Road and right to PA Rt. 30 East. You'll want to stay in the far left of the 2 left hand lanes to turn onto PA Rt 30 West towards St. David's and Wayne and stay in the left most lane. You'll pass a traffic light at the other on/off ramp to I-476 South, keep going.
The next traffic light will be at Radnor-Chester Road, you'll want to make a left hand turn here. As soon as you complete that turn, make a right-hand turn onto Sinkler Lane. You'll see a brown sign directing you to the Delaware County Sports Museum, which is also at the township building. Once you get to Iven Ave, make a left-hand turn at the stop sign. You'll pass Encke Park on your left and make a left into the entrance. Make another left onto Creek Drive, and a final left into the lower parking lot.
The exact location of the trailer is at the far corner of the lower parking lot, along the Ithan Creek and close to the Encke Park baseball field. It just behind the high-water rescue vehicle and the Radnor highway patrol mobile trailer.
If you have what3words, you can use the location:
Here is the information for the trailer on our website:
If you get lost, you can call the trailer CAT cell phone at 484-644-8108 for assistance or use the 446.775 Boothwyn repeater.