Here are a few online classes that might be useful to you. All are on TrainPA except the first, a new class from FEMA. None should take you more than a couple hours and are fairly introductory. If you receive a certificate that's great and we'd love it if you'd upload it to your Galaxy file, but they're not required! So, you can take that FEMA class without sweating the exam.
IS-368.A: Including People With Disabilities in Disaster Operations
New Course! 2 hours,…
Just a reminder that the Honor Flight Philadelphia is taking place this Saturday 9/9/2023. The Welcome Home caravan will be traveling through Lower Chichester, Upper Chichester, Aston, Middletown, Edgmont and ending at the Saint Simon & Jude Church in East Goshen. (Rt. 352 & Rt. 3)
Five buses full of 170 WWII, Vietnam, and Korean War veterans will be accompanied by hundreds of motorcycles.…
Blue Light Express Newsletter
The Eastwick survivors are coming up on the 3rd anniversary of their disaster and we would love to get them to full recovery.
We are nearing the finish line!
Saturday August 12th
Registration required:
VOAD Flood Volunteers Flyer.jpg
We are thrilled to have the opportunity to offer Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training to our volunteers from the Non-profit Upper Darby-based organization Multicultural Family Community Services both in-person and virtually to help us think through how best to reach all members of our community.
Blue Light Express Newsletter
Join us for 2 upcoming Volunteer Appreciation Events in April to celebrate Volunteer Appreciation Month!
First is on April 1st, 10am-2pm Drive-Through Distribution Event for Challenge Coins and Citizen Corps/MRC Hats & gear
Please note anyone who volunteered for at least one mission during the COVID response is eligible to receive a challenge coin. It is a token of honor for the work you have done for Delaware County residents during a very difficult time.
Sign up for events using Galaxy!…
Join us for 2 upcoming Volunteer Appreciation Events in April to celebrate Volunteer Appreciation Month!
April 21st, 6pm
Potluck Event at the Radnorshire Room to celebrate CCDC Volunteers!
Sign up for events using Galaxy!
Volunteer Potluck Dinner Instructions
(If your calendar is not showing both missions and events click on CALENDAR tab
at the upper right of the page,…
Blue Light Express Newsletter
Dear Volunteer:
The end of the year is fast approaching and so is the requirement for your background check and NIMS training to be completed and uploaded to your ServPA and Galaxy accounts.
You have answered the call to support your Delaware County Community over the years, but the call has not ended. We still need your commitment and talents and will continue to need them but ask that you catch up on the new requirements.…