Course Title:Winter Weather Hazards: Science and Preparedness (AWR-331)
Status:FEMA Certified. This course is now listed in the FEMA National Training and Education Division (NTED) Catalog.

Winter storms can strike every state in the United States. It is important that every community be ready for the hazards associated with them. This course assists to provide emergency managers, first responders, and community members across all sectors with a basic understanding of the latest knowledge in winter weather science, forecasting, warning, and best practices in preparedness. The course enhances the ability of participants to identify and describe the hazards associated with winter weather and to better prepare for and mitigate the impacts of snow, sleet, freezing rain, and dangerously low temperatures.

The goal of this course is to provide participants with the basics of winter weather science, forecasting, warning, and preparedness.

Course Modules:

  • Science of Winter Weather
  • Winter Weather Forecast Process
  • Winter Weather Warning Process and Safety
  • Winter Storm Scenario
Target Audience:

The target audience for this awareness-level course includes participants across a broad spectrum of the community who need to be aware of the threat of winter weather. In particular, this should be of interest to emergency managers, first responders, small businesses, corporations, federal/state/tribal governments, NGOs, community organizations, and typical households who need to prepare and respond to hazards associated with winter storms.
✓ Citizen/Community Volunteer
✓ Education
✓ Emergency Management
✓ Emergency Medical Services
✓ Fire Service
✓ Governmental Administrative
✓ Law Enforcement
✓ Hazardous Material
✓ Health Care
✓ Public Health
✓ Public Safety Communications
✓ Public Works
✓ Security and Safety

Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the current state of winter weather science,
  2. Describe the winter weather forecast process, appreciate its complexities, and participate in a forecasting exercise,
  3. Recognize the organizations involved in forecasting winter weather, associated winter weather definitions, and strategies to prepare for winter weather impacts,
  4. Learn to analyze a forecast and discuss key decision points during a winter storm scenario.
Contact Hours:8
APA Credits6.5 Certification Maintenance
IACET Credits0.6 Continuing Education Units
IAEM (E/G) Credits8.0 Emergency/General Management Training Credit Hours




Delivery Method:Instructor Led. If you are interested in having this course delivered in your area, please contact your State Administrative Agency (SAA) through the FEMA Emergency Management System. Step-by-step instructions are available at:
Max Enrollment:30 - 40 participants
Test Requirements:
  • Pre-test to be completed PRIOR to the course. Assists to assess familiarity with the course subject material.
  • Post test to be completed at completion of course. To receive a FEMA issued Certificate of Completion, a post test score of at least 70% must be obtained.
Costs:The cost of developing and delivering training is covered by a cooperative agreement with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). There is no cost to the individual for taking the course. we do not cover the cost of travel or lodging to attend training.

  File Modified
PDF File _AWR-331 PowerPoint Handout.pdf Jan 31, 2021 by Chris Kelleher
PDF File _AWR-331 NWS HazSimp Handout.pdf Jan 31, 2021 by Chris Kelleher
PDF File _AWR-331 Group Handout.pdf Jan 31, 2021 by Chris Kelleher
PDF File AWR-331_Winter_Weather_Hazards_PG.pdf Jan 31, 2021 by Chris Kelleher