- The messages we pass are often written by, and for, non-hams (third-party messages)
- They include the usual punctuation symbols common to normal writing
- Refer to the "Voicing Symbols" chart shown earlier for what we consider punctuation symbols
- When used as punctuation, voice symbols as they are encountered in a message
- A "," (comma) after a word, or a "." (period) at the end of a sentence
- This differs from ARRL NTS procedures
- Otherwise, treat punctuation symbols like any other symbol
- Example phrases containing punctuation:
- Deliver blankets, cots, and pillows.
- Spoken: "deliver blankets comma cots comma and pillows period"
- Expected weather: rain and snow!
- Spoken: "expected weather colon rain and snow exclamation-point"
- Example phrases without punctuation:
- "The password is Ab:1,5!+"
- "5 != 6"
- "Join the discussion on groups.io"